How UEFA Europa League 2024 Revenue Will Help Develop the Game

With UEFA Europa League 2024 set to captivate fans worldwide, we explore how the tournament’s impact will drive the game forward on and off the field.

Since 2004, the UEFA Europa League has been more than just a showcase of top-tier football; it has been a crucial source of funding for the sport’s development across Europe. This funding is provided by the UEFA HatTrick development program, which reallocates about two-thirds of the tournament’s revenue to Europe’s 55 national associations. This supports projects that build pitches and stadiums, train coaches, referees, and administrators, and develop education and development strategies to ensure the game continues to grow in quality and appeal.

The 2024 edition of the Europa League is expected to generate around €935 million for the HatTrick programme over the next four years, marking a 21% increase from 2020. This ensures that the game will continue to achieve new heights.

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Leading Facilities

One of the most significant impacts of the HatTrick programme has been its investment in infrastructure. By assisting associations in building new facilities and modernising existing ones, HatTrick has helped level the playing field and strengthen the footballing pyramid across the continent.

At the highest level, HatTrick funding has contributed to the construction or development of 35 national stadiums, meaning over 60% of national football grounds in Europe have been built or modernised thanks to the programme. This includes improvements in player and spectator safety and enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities.

Further down the pyramid, HatTrick has funded thousands of playing pitches across Europe, ensuring everyone can play football, regardless of their location. Since 2004, more than 1,000 full-size and 3,000 mini-pitches have been constructed with HatTrick funding, averaging over 70 pitches per UEFA member association.


Accelerating Development

While infrastructure is crucial, Football Sport HatTrick also recognises the need to invest in the action on the pitch. Over its 20-year history, HatTrick has funded more than 700 women’s football development programmes, with nearly 60% of those projects creating new opportunities for women and girls to participate in football. UEFA’s investment in women’s football has increased by 50% since 2019, and HatTrick has played a vital role in this growth.

Additionally, HatTrick has supported over 400 elite youth football projects, helping associations develop talent pathways and improve youth coaching standards. The Football in Schools programme has reached 2.4 million children in more than 44,000 schools, with 100,000 teachers trained to deliver football sessions.


Broader Impact

Beyond the pitch, HatTrick has funded over 500 social and environmental projects, leveraging football’s influence as a force for good. Recent HatTrick-funded initiatives have addressed waste reduction, renewable energy transitions, sustainable construction, and public transport uptake. Socially, HatTrick has supported initiatives focused on eradicating discrimination, enhancing mental health, assisting refugees, protecting children, and other causes.

Since its launch in 2004, the HatTrick programme has had a profound impact on the European football landscape. The sixth cycle of HatTrick promises to be bigger and better than ever, ensuring continued growth and improvement in football across Europe.

For more insights and updates on the UEFA Europa League 2024 and its impact on the game, stay tuned to Live99Soccer.

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